Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I am the girl she met on the plane.

My dear friend Karena wrote on her blog today about how we met a year ago on a plane. I feel compelled to write my perspective of how we met on the plane. 

6 AM was incredibly too early for a pregnant mama to be flying. I had no choice but to change my flight to try to get out of Baltimore Maryland before hurricane Sandy hit. I was on my way to an unknown "home". My husband, Kyle, and I had been displaced for the last two months while we worked on transitioning to be closer to my parents and new opportunities for our growing family. God led us to Jacksonville Florida where we were brought a job. 

6 AM with a hurricane looming and leaving behind our prior life, I was feeling pretty antisocial. I put my sweatshirt over my head and leaned against the window and tried to find any position that my 6 month pregnant belly could get comfortable in my alloted square foot of space. I noticed the girl sitting next to me looked like she was tired too. 

As we landed in Atlanta I groaned about how I was going to have to rush to get to my 30 minute connection in a different terminal. I remember being so hungry and thinking I probably wouldn't have time to stop to grab a bite. I commented to the girl about how I might not make my connection. She asked me where I was headed and I told her Jacksonville Florida. She said "I'm from Jacksonville Florida too" and smiled. I think we exchanged a few more sentences and then proceeded to march off the plane to get to our next destination. I remember my heart lifting about leaving behind my friends and thought "If other people from Jacksonville are this nice (especially this early in the morning) then we are going to be just fine." 
I rushed to my terminal and didn't see her along the way so I thought she might have a different connecting flight. To my great pregnant pleasure there was a Cinnabon right across from my connecting terminal! I grabbed my Cinnabon and got in line just in time to get onto my plane. As I boarded I noticed that she sat in the row right behind me. I thought "this is got to be one of those God moments". We ended up talking the whole rest of our connecting flight into Jacksonville where we exchanged information and discussed getting coffee and she offered her help with our move. When I got back to my moms house I told mom that I met a girl on the plane from Jacksonville and that we will totally be friends! Karina and I did end up getting that cup of coffee and I called her when we moved. Her husband Courtney and Kyle get along splendidly and the rest is history! 

It is completely out of my comfort zone to strike up conversations with random strangers. I can't explain why it worked out but it did. I would say it just has to be one of those God things. He being my faithful friend knew I needed a friend and she has been a great friend. She opened her heart and her life to me and I to her. I am so grateful.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tangled Psychology

7pm...8pm...9pm...10pm...Eva is still going strong. For the most part she goes to bed with a hitch. At 8pm. I should have know that 4 hour nap would come back to bite me. Kyle has long since headed off to dreamland leaving me with this super storm Eva and a cluster feeding Emmy. So after a few attempts to read books, I resort to watching "Pincess TB" (also known as Princess TV/Disney's Tangled). Since I am working on my Mommy-of-the-year certificate, I go ahead and pop some popcorn. Get Eva's "banket" and "Dappy" and settle in for the 100 minutes production of the story of Rapunzel. If you haven't seen it or don't know the story...

 King and Queen give birth to a baby girl with blond hair that has special powers to keep you young if you sing to it so she was abducted my a witch who locks her in a tower and poses as her mother to keep herself young until the girls 18th birthday when she runs away with a hot guy and discovers who her real parents are and then kills the evil witch and they all live happily ever after.

So that's pretty much the gist.

So I am watching this with my daughter and it occurs to me that this baby was abducted by a woman. Loves the woman as her mother. Runs away with a guy she met minutes before. Falls in love with him the next day. Kills her only known mother. Is reunited with her family who she wouldn't even remember. And lives happily ever after like nothing ever happened... I ask.... How did she not have any psychological repercussions from her abduction and years of isolation.

Ok so I am an adult and I guess "then Rapunzel went through years of extensive counseling... and lived happily ever after" wouldn't go so well for Disney. I still like this brave tale of  a young girl overcoming obstacles and stay true to what she believes even through adversity.

Real life is scary but fairy tales are scarier.

The test case scenario

So I decided to look up the side effects for a new and temporary medication I'll be on for the next 2 days. As I read down the list of "More common" side effects I couldn't help but laugh. I thought... I wonder if all the test cases were women,wives, and breastfeeding mothers with an active toddler in tow?
  • Discouragement
  • feeling sad or empty
  • irritability
  • lack of appetite
  • loss of interest or pleasure
  • tiredness
  • trouble concentrating
  • trouble sleeping
The best case scenario is that everyone lives through the next 2 days. The worse case scenario is that it puts me over the edge and I finally lose it.